Mental health evaluation
Mental health evaluations include a clinical assessment and professional recommendations. They are completed by a licensed mental health professional. Our therapists use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to guide their understanding and diagnosis of mental health disorders in individuals.
Mental health evaluations include a clinical assessment and professional recommendations. They are completed by a licensed mental health professional. Our therapists use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to guide their understanding and diagnosis of mental health disorders in individuals.
Substance abuse screening
Substance abuse screenings are used to assess for possible indicators of a substance abuse problem. These screenings are completed by a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC) and licensed mental health professional.
Substance abuse screenings are used to assess for possible indicators of a substance abuse problem. These screenings are completed by a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC) and licensed mental health professional.
Trauma-informed evaluation
The focus of this evaluation looks to address an individual's trauma history and offer possible recommendations. These evaluations are completed by a licensed mental health professional and a trauma specialist.
The focus of this evaluation looks to address an individual's trauma history and offer possible recommendations. These evaluations are completed by a licensed mental health professional and a trauma specialist.
Anger management evaluation
Anger management evaluations are usually required by the legal system for a court requirement, but we also offer anger evaluations to anyone interested in self-improvement. They are completed by a licensed mental health professional. This evaluation also meets all requirements for court-ordered.
Anger management evaluations are usually required by the legal system for a court requirement, but we also offer anger evaluations to anyone interested in self-improvement. They are completed by a licensed mental health professional. This evaluation also meets all requirements for court-ordered.
Psychosexual risk evaluation
This evaluation focuses on an individual's sexual development, sexual history, paraphilic interests, sexual adjustment, risk level, and victimology. Psychosexual risk evaluations are completed by a licensed mental health professional and Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider.
This evaluation focuses on an individual's sexual development, sexual history, paraphilic interests, sexual adjustment, risk level, and victimology. Psychosexual risk evaluations are completed by a licensed mental health professional and Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider.